Friday, August 10, 2007

Would ya look at that?

So, remember that Nancy Drew movie that came out? Well when I very first heard about it, I was kinda excited. Not gonna lie. I'm not exactly sure why. I only probably read one of her books as a kid. But... let's be honest, that is actually saying a lot because I didn't read as a child. (Or now for that matter) With the exception of the B.F.G., but who couldn't LOVE that book? Anyway, having had some kind of a childhood connection I did want to see the movie.

When I actually saw the preview for it, it wasn't as exciting as I would have hoped. Really, it looked pretty bad. Not terrible, but the potential of it being good had fallen considerably after seeing the preview. However, I still wanted to see it. But why? I mean, I did like how old fashioned she was. That, in and of itself was a draw to watch the show. However this still didn't explain my fascination for wanting to watch it cuz it looks... Yi!

Today I took a little gander at Bruce Willis on and wouldn't ya know it? Bruce is uncredited in the show! See... LOOK! Right there, plain as day. Oh mann... I am very excited about this. I wonder who he could be? The principal? A Guidance Counselor? Old (hot) Man Pete down in the Trailer Park? Oooh... the possibilites are endless! So excited. Can't wait to Netflix this bad boy. Maybe i'll move it to the top of the list for whenever it comes out! That's a good idea!

Can't wait for your adventure Nancy with your cute oldschool clothes and your beautiful uncredited costar. Should be sweet!

1 comment:

Carrie said...


I actually want to see this movie cuz I was a big Nancy Drew reader back in the day. Yes, it looks cheesy, but that's how I roll.