Wednesday, April 16, 2008

This is good

I had a Dr's appointment today and guess what? I am totally up to 108 lbs! Dude, pretty excited about this. Now, if I would just wake up early enough to run and lift weights in the morning, I would be very happy. How sweet to maintain the weight while substituting some of the unhealthy with muscle mass and adding a couple of healthy pounds?

Okay, that's the new plan... although I'm remember why I haven't done so yet. Work and school. I have to focus on finals the next couple of weeks, and before you know it, I'm in Europe. Maybe all the walking around cities will help with cardio and stamina. Maybe, just maybe I can do calf raises/push ups in my room....

Hmmm, we'll see. As of now, I'm just glad my weight is up. Let's not think back to the weight at late last year. ::shudder:: Awful.


Carrie said...

Chels that's exciting news! This is gonna be a good year from here on out... I can just tell. Remember how we were going to get up early and run when I was out there? Bah. Ha.

Dibble's said...

I love that you get so excited when you've put on weight, let's switch places! :) PS I tagged you and I really wanna see it! lovey

Unknown said...

hooray! btw, do you have any secrets for me on how I can get my metabolism to be more like yours? taht would be so fab

Courtney and Nate said...

Chelsey! Wanna trade weights? Cool! Oh man I thought I was funny but then I just read the dibble family comment and now I realize that I'm not. Anyway, I am so excited about this weekend! Oh yeah, and I have a blog! See ya!