Wednesday, January 30, 2008


It is taking everything I have to not walk over to an AM and give them a piece of my mind. My job sucks ass, and this is very apparent. But I draw the line when I see coworkers begging my sister for her help, and then pinning the problem on her during a client call and taking absolutely no responsibility for it. Nevermind that this is NOT Lindsey's problem, and our department does not have the access or training or know how to fix the problem... but it sure has become her problem. Nevermind that Lindsey has already put in her fair share of OT, but the AM still went ahead and told the client Lindsey just needs to "put in more OT." Dude, screw you. I'm pissed. Don't mess with my family.
I really want to say things to the AM. I have thought of many ways to confront her appropriately, but I know Lindsey doesn't want me to. So... against every driving force in my body, I have chosen to restrain. I am NOT HAPPY to say the least right now. So lame. I can't wait to quit this pos job.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Remember that conversation we had weighing the pros and cons about moving from mom n' pop jobs to corporate america jobs and which one would be better? I keep thinking about that convo when I think about our shit jobs. Obviously corporate america sucks ass. Especially your job. Seriously, I can't believe that the people you work with are so quick to sell Linds down the river! Unbelievable!