Friday, January 23, 2009

I need a job...

I haven't been working since Mid November. The bills are piling up. I'm slowly but surely losing my sanity by feeling "useless" and "unproductive". My sleep schedule is COMPLETELY off. ::sigh:: Things are not looking good kids. Then to top it all off, I heard about the creme de la creme on the radio. I came straight home to check it out on the internet and it's true:
Russell Crowe along with Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, and Nicole Kidman are part of the 2009 Australia Legends Stamp Collection. So any Australian Citizen can just walk into the post office, get a role of Russell Crowe, lick the back of him and slap him on the back (of an envelope).
So being in the United States I don't really have a need for these stamps because after all I can't use them to send mail, but let me tell you what...I. can. use. them!
This little developement just might give me that extra burst of motivation to get a job so I can buy things that I don't need, but must have!
In conclusion, if anyone knows of any available jobs please let me know. My happiness very well depends on it. If nothing else, my birthday is July 2nd. :)

Sundance 2009

This year I had the chance to attend 2 Sundance Films. The first was called Tyson which is a documentary of Mike Tyson's life. Michael and I drove up to Park City at 7:00 in the morning (Yikes!) for the premiere. Mike Tyson wasn't there for the Q&A, but the director was. It was a pretty sweet experience. The movie itself was good and I still can't believe how fast he was back in his prime! Yow! There were many interesting parts, but I loved when he talked about beating his opponent before he even got in the ring by means of confidence and intimidation. Wow, it was really something!
Tonight I went to a Salt Lake showing of Rudo y Cursi with my dear friend Kristen. It's about two brothers (played by Gael García Bernal and Diego Luna, both of which I adore!) who follow a talent scout out of their little town to play soccer in Mexico City. It was a really good show and it had us both laughing and oohing over Gael. Gael, I want you to want me! :) I also saw my friend Alana while we waited in line. It was good to see her again as she is plain adorable!
So although I didn't in fact see Bruce Willis or Owen Wilson at Sundance (yet again) I quite enjoyed it this year!


Lindsey asked me to upload her pictures from her camera. Amongst the pictures are some from when our family went sledding at Sugar House Park on 12/14/2008. I couldnt' resist putting some up:
Savannah going down tummy first...
... as Kierstin watched Parker going down backwards.
Nannah on Daddy's back...
... and a close up of Parker having a blast!
Keri preparing for the ride while Lindsey and I goof it up!
Ken, Me, Lindsey, Matt, and Keri link hands hoping to survive the big hill...
SUCCESS! We made it to the bottom still connected (and in one piece) where Parker wait.

Matt, Kierstin, Lindsey, Keri, myself, Jaden, Savannah, and Parker at the end of the day.

We had so much fun and are excited for the next snowfall to go again!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Candy Land

Today I watched my brother's kids: Parker, Savannah, and Porter. We had a lot of fun today playing Candy Land!

Parker and Savannah took turns for their dinosaur friends so they could use all 4 playing pieces.
Porter enjoyed eating his Top Ramen while the kids played...

...He really enjoyed his Ramen!

Afterward I went over to my sister Lindsey's apartment to watch a cute movie we love called Two Can Play That Game (mostly due to Morris Chestnut. Yummy!) Lindsey and Travis have 4 cats in their apartment (I think Courtney would be in kitty heaven here) and I brought our dog, Sierra over. They all did very well with eachother for the most part... until Juno swatted at Sierra. All is good though, and we had so much fun tonight!!!!

Sierra (aka Monkey) and me.

Sierra is getting acquainted with Jake and Jessie.

Lindsey and Jake danced a little jig...

... before dancing with Monkey.

And this next picture makes me laugh because Jake and Jordan look like little Devil Kitties or something:

Come Play with us...

Hadley 2008 Video

My dad made a video of the Hadley Family with pictures from 2008 set to some music. You can see it here. I love my family!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Homework vs. Porter

I'm stalling doing my homework and thought I would post this picture of Porter and me. This was right after his haircut. He had curls almost as long as his Aunt Chelsey before that night! Cute. Cute. Cute!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Top Ten...

I love Owen Wilson! I wish #9 on this Top Ten List actually existed!!!

Porter and Keets

Nikita is our familiy's 13 year-old family dog. She has always been so well natured and wonderful! Now that she is aging, she is pretty stubborn and honestly sometimes pretty difficult as her sight and hearing have pretty much gone.

The other day mom was watching the kids including 16-month old Porter who also has the sweetest personality. He is heaven sent! Parker was in the living room building his roads around Nikita (since she can't get up easily anymore). Well Porter walked into the room, and gave Nikita some soft pets on the head before he lay down and rested his head on her. I couldn't believe Nikita let him lay with her given her current state. I love this picture!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Yeah, What he said...

I have always enjoyed reading (and agreeing with laughter to) Rick Reilly's articles at the end of Sports Illustrated. With no surprise he once again hit the nail square on the head with this article. I'm not even a Utah "Fan" but I completely agree.

I'm not normally a hateful person, but the BCS knows exactly how to fill my heart with malice. Although it may be difficult for "one person to make a difference", I'm still going to write them a letter (Truthfully) displaying my disgust for their corrupt system. Anyone else who wants to join me with their words is more than welcome.

Please send opinions, concerns, thoughts (ahem ::death threats::) to: