Thursday, May 29, 2008
This morning I had a delicious breakfast in the hotel with some GREAT peach yogurt with strawberry granola and pineapple. Yummers! This morning we took the tram and a bus and went to the Jiri Anderle Museum. He is a well known Prague Print artist. Ummm, It was crazy, but good to go to. After that we walked up to the Prague Castle. That was beautiful! We climbed up one of the towers (287 Steps) in the cathedral. It was so much fun! The view was WELL WORTH the hike! It was cracking me up on the way down the narrow spiral staircase as you would hear people panting and whimpering on the way up wondering when they would ever get there. There was a group not even half way that asked me if they would see the top any time soon... I let them know they still had a hike to go, but said they could do it and it was worth every step. One lady thanked me through her heavy breathing, "thank you for your encouragement!" it was cute.
As we walked around the palace grounds we went through a corridor that had different armor and helmets on display. At the very end was an area set up to shoot a cross bow for only 5 Korunas! It was so much fun! I shot 6 arrows and had a couple good shots. I was able to keep my target practice. So much fun!!!
After that, we walked through the city a little bit. It was more the touristy stuff, but it was great! We crossed the famous Charles Bridge which is gorgeous! Loved it! After all of this, we made our way to an ice cream shop our teacher always stops off called, "Cream & Dream". Wow. No other words to describe. I got my waffle cone with one scoop of vanilla with chocolate chips and the second scoop of strawberry. One of the girls asked how my ice cream was right when I took my first lick. I literally could not answer. I sat down and composed myself... It was hella good to say the very least!!!!
Now we're back at the hotel and Shala is nice enough for me to use her computer for a bit. We are leaving for dinner in an hour. There is a place right around the corner a few of the people went to last night. It's suppose to be awesome! I'm sure it will be!
I love you all! My only wish is I could share all of these moments with all the people that mean the most to me in my life. Know that I think of everyone back home very often and look forward to seeing everyone again. Love to you all!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Getting Acquainted
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Chelsey the European
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Home... deprived.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
It smells like pot.
Monday, May 19, 2008
A few things I will not miss about London: The lack of public trashcans and toilets. And, that's pretty much it! :) I'll try to write from Amsterdam this week!
Side note, today at the British Museum (AWESOME!) I swear I saw today's Encino Man. Move over Brendan Fraiser, cuz this guy was good! He has long nappy dread locks and when his girl was expressing her views on the mummy he TOTALLY grunted. It rocked!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Mon petit chou chou!

Paris is by far one of the most MAGICAL cities I have ever been to! Well, once we got into the city that is! We left our London hotel at 5:00 am and made it to Paris at 9:00 am. We got lost lost LOST in Paris and didn't check into our hotel until 5:00 pm!!!!! That didn't stop us for going out for a night on the town!

When we got to the Louvre I was speechless! It was one of the most breathtaking things I have ever seen! I can't believe I was there! It was like being star struck but... European Building struck! Loved it! We also went to the Eiffel Tower and watched it SPARKLE (just like you said Kristen!) It was amazing!

While in Paris we:
*Went inside the Louvre (hello Venus Di Milo!)
*Went to the tip top of the Eiffel Tower (Amazing!)
*Saw the Arch de Triomphe (sweet-sweet!)
*Drove golf carts around Versailles (pimp!)
*Ate many a great food! Including crepes, pastries, wraps, and tiny churros!
*Bought/looked at street markets
*Went to Mass at the Notre Dame
*Was separated from the girls I travled with for several hours wandered around solo
*Walked in the rain.
*Wandered around aimlessly
*Constantly said, "Parlez-vous français?", "merci", and "excuse-moi"
I was pleasently surprised as everyone said the French were all snobby and stuck up, but I found everyone to be most helpful.
Things I will not miss in Paris: The smell of the Metro. Yuck!!!
Coming back to London felt like home. As surreal as Paris was, it was great to be back to London. Even though I have only been here a week, London feels like home! I just might need to look into colleges here. :)
PS. I will upload pics when I get home. So enjoy these internet ones... for now. :) Oh, and if anyone wants to see ADORABLE Shiba Inu Puppies that Michael has, go here. I think the lower righthand is Bruce. I LOVE HIM!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
We have seen MANY cool cool stuff. Taking the tube (i sound so Enlgish) to many places. Mann, I have the tube DOWN! We have seen:
- Trafalga Square
- Paliment (Outside)
- Big Ben (Outside)
- Westminster Abby (The outside)
- Hyde Park
- James Park
- Buckingham Palace- we saw 4 guards do some fancy footwork/marching before walking inside.
- The Sex and the City LONDON PREMIERE! (Didn't see the movie, but I saw parts of the cast from very far away!)
- Day trip to Oxford
- Tate Museum
- Tate Modern Museum
- Boat ride on London Canal (name? it was between the two tates)
- Shakespere's "The Globe" (Outside)
- St. Paul's Cathedral (SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL! Prob my fav. place so far)
- The play "Wicked" LOVED IT!!!! I got a picture with the main star (Green witch-Elphiba) afterward)
- William Hogarth's house.
- We have been to several museums where our teacher Justin sets up appointments and we see original prints from artists. Including a couple of Picasso's first prints that are worth MILLIONS! They are right there! So cool!
(From these museums, I am writing reports on Henry Moore's "Standing Figures" and Ana Maria Pacheco. -I can't find the portolio online, but here's an idea of her work.) I loved it!
That's all I can think of right now. :) The food is delicious here! Nothing too crazy. I did try some fish n' chips with mashed peas (like mashed potatoes) and had a cheese and chutney sandwhich (a tangy british spread). It's been good!
My room mate is a Simpsons nerd like me and we will both randomly quote the simpsons and it's sweet to have the other know what we're talking about. Last night we were up until 1:00 giggling!
Tonight I am seeing a anything but PC play called Avenue Q. It's like Sesame Street for adults. Then we leave for Paris tomorrow morning and get back Sunday night. Hooray Paris!
Don't mind that I am not spell checking this sucker. No time. Time is money at the internet cafe! I'll write again when I can. Love to all!