Not gonna lie... I'm loving this! I am sooooo freakin' comfortable! I am enjoying my mud mask too. It's all soothing and smells good. Everyone in my department is currently in the bathroom washing their masks off. I chose to leave mine on a little while longer and benefit from the aromatherapy.
Everyone went out to the reception area where we were judged and had pictures taken. Ha ha, we were all lined up in a row posing for the camera when I heard a little chirp in my ear say, "Pretty bird!" To my surprise I turned around and saw a stuffed talking parrot on the receptionist counter. "Why thank you!" I replied back to the bird, "You didn't have to say that!" After my group got our picture taken, we stood off to the side and I was standing next to a very funny girl in our office. Her name is Andrea and she has the flair for theatre. She was sitting down in a chair dressed up like a fireman - she even had a mask on as to be a fire man, instead of a fire woman. Sitting atop her lap was a blow up doll. She....er I mean "he" looked at our group and started making cat calls. I was standing right next to "him" when he tossed the doll aside and pulled me onto his lap. He was making little oohs and ahhs to me, then grabbed the blow up doll again and put her on his other knee. I took a sip of my drink, looked at my new (very friendly) friends I was sitting with and exclaimed, "Well this is quite the party!" We all had a good laugh. I got up and needed to fix my towel as it wasn't staying in place. I bent over to rewrap my hair, when my little fire fighter buddy gave me a pinch. Oh mann, that just about killed me! Guess that's what you get when you present your goods right in front of a guy.
*My favorite group costume was actually a group of girls who did Spice Girls. Very cute!
The winners were just announced and our group tied with the Spice Girls for best Group Costume. The prize is a pizza party. The girl in charge said, "Okay, we'll just check with the Spice Girls and see if next Friday works for them." Ha ha, We're having a Pizza Party with the Spice Girls. I enjoy that.
I just added some pictures from the email sent out. The first picture is of everyone. (Notice the fireman and his buddy behind the nuns) Then we have the Spa Princesses (Kara, me, Lindsey, Stephanie, Cheryl & Socorro), next is the Spice Girls. Last, but not least is me sitting with my buddies.

Our picture is missing Kathy who was on a phone call, and Katherine who couldn't make it into the office today. Stephanie took the blow up doll and we put her in a robe with her little tiara, slippers and cold eye mask and put her in Katherine's chair. Lindsey took a picture of her so i'll have to add that later. We were laughing pretty hard when we had to tie to blow up doll to the chair so she'd stay. It was awsome.... and today is not so much a productive day in case you were wondering.